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Reliable Electric & Natural Gas Supplier Other options can have rates that spike during times of increased demand or low supply, so a fixed-rate plan is typically best for budgeting. However, they almost always require contracts, Energy Plans and most of them have early-termination fees. Many of the best clean energy providers — such as Verde Energy USA — offer plans that require no cancellation fees or sign-up fees. Enjoy the flexibility of market-based prices and energy rates that vary month to month. With no long-term service agreements you're free to change your product or energy plan whenever you choose. Verde is committed to purchasing renewable energy credits, called “REC’s” above your state mandates to support the energy that you use. REC’s include energy from solar, wind, or other renewable energy sources. On the Smart Energy Plan, the delivery portion of customers’ bills will be based on how efficiently they use the grid. Your service will usually start on the

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